Keeping Your Sanity Over the Holidays CategoriesTo Your Health & Sanity

Keeping Your Sanity Over the Holidays

What do you do to keep your sanity during the holiday season?

There is always so much more to do, and if you’re in the middle of a project, a move, change of any kind, the season can seem to be another added stressor.  I like decorating our home, having family and friends in for food, fun and fellowship. I especially enjoy going to parties and events.

christmas 3I find it challenging to maintain good habits/routines when I choose between getting shopping done without getting my exercise in.  Healthy eating goes out the window when I’m making hasty, non-nourishing choices. My prayer/quiet time with the Lord is compromised if I’m not focused, or I skip it–thinking I don’t have time.

So how can we manage all of that without depleting our time, energy, and resources?

christmas 4This Thanksgiving, I did something I’ve never done in my life—bought an already-cooked turkey. Something in me said, “It’s okay, do it. Nobody will judge you.”  When I operate from what everyone will think, I will go down in flames and fail to enjoy the short time I have with my family and friends.

Guess what? It was delicious!

Another thing I’m doing is online shopping—talk about time-saving! For one, I’m not distracted by all the shiny stuff begging for purchase with “you need this” rationalization.

Attending events, parties, and other activities are weighed realistically by what is already spoken-for dates. I make sure I don’t infringe on the downtime I have scheduled (yes, I do this or I won’t have it).

christmas 1

Taking time to pray throughout the day covers your mind in peace; taking a walk or 30 minutes of any exercise will energize you.

Getting rid of the stressors that impact our sanity, spiritual, and physical self can be challenging right now.  Give yourself the gift of letting go and staying centered. Remember, the true spirit of the Holiday is gratitude for a Savior born so that we could have life more abundantly—in joy—not only for now but for eternity. (Read the Christmas story in Luke, Chapters 1 and 2)



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Yolanda Gray is a faith-based coach, speaker and author for the Christian professional woman who feels trapped by an out-of-control lifestyle. She works with them to take back their lives from exhausted, overwhelmed and anxious to living in God’s purpose and power, authentically and confidently. She hosts and facilitates energizing, interactive, thought-provoking workshops and empowering restorative retreats. Yolanda earned a Bachelor's degree in Human Development, a Master’s degree in Human Relations and a certification in Professional Life Coaching through P4 Coaching Institute—an ICF accredited program. Contact her at or email: [email protected]